It is by now well known that the shooting of Karan Johar's next awaited project, 'My Name Is Khan', has already commenced in Los Angeles, in the US on December 18. Lead actor Shah Rukh Khan has already shot for some important portions, but without his heroine Kajol!
However, fans of the most happening pair of the last decade and-a-half need not despair as Kajol is all set to fly down to US, early next year and join Shah Rukh Khan. Kajol is presently ready to welcome the New Year along with loving hubby Ajay Devgan and darling daighter Nyasa at their farm house in Karjat.
With wife Kajol and daughter Nysa in Los Angeles and Ajay Devgan in Chandigarh, the Devgan household is empty. While Kajol is shooting for her first film with Shah Rukh Khan and Karan Johar after eight years, Ajay is enjoying the company of Salman Khan and Vipul Shah in the chilly weather of Chandigarh. In contrast to the harsh films that Ajay acts in, Kajol's films are mostly romantic and mushy. Says Kajol, "I am a die hard romantic. I like reading romance books. My family is everything to me like most of the heroines in my book. And J (as she calls Ajay) likes things based on reality. So while he is a realist, I am an idealist." So while Kajol will take us to another picture pretty world of Karan Johar in My Name is Khan, Ajay will bring us to ground zero with the harsh realties of survival and competition in London Dreams. This year is to the Devgans for some contrasting, yet interesting films